What Sci Fi Novel Should be Required Reading in School?

Hey everyone are you ready to go back to school! Well we are and we talk about what Sci Fi themed books we think should be read in the classroom. We discuss what we like about these novels and what educational value they have. So jack in your headphones and join us in...

What Superhero Comic had the Most Satisfying Ending.

This issue of Roll For Topic we talk about some of our favorite superhero comic issues arcs, and runs that wrapped up in a memorable and satisfying way. We cover some more recent staples as well as the history for some of the characters invloved in these great...

What Realistic Movie Had Your Favorite Plot Twist

This week the Roll for Topic crew talks about their favorite plot twists in “realistic” films. Even though these films have some unlikely elements, or even some small fanatasical ones, they take place in the “real world” or could possibly...

What Historical Movies Had The Best Charcters

RFT 12: What Historical Movies had the Best Charcters Since the beginning of cinema, history has been used as inspiration and for plot. Across these films are many excellent performances and actors. This episode of RFT we talk about the historical films, that are...