Jan 10, 2017 | Mighty Fine Shindig
Guess who’s back? Back again? Niska’s back! And also Alastair Stephens. This week, we’re covering episode 10 of Firefly: “War Stories.” Topics of conversation: weirdly long chats about navels, great gifs, nobody is a person to Jayne, the...
Jan 3, 2017 | Mighty Fine Shindig
We’re heading to the core and doing a heist! This week it’s “Ariel,” episode 9 of Firefly. Topics of conversation: heists, Ocean’s Battalion, WTF River Moments (TM), Mal is the best dad, Brian Adams, bastard mercenaries, and those creepy...
Dec 20, 2016 | Mighty Fine Shindig
We cover episode eight of Firefly, “Out of Gas!” Discussion topics: Mal is captaining the shit out of this ship, Wash’s mustache though, Bester is a floppy-headed douchebag, Kaylee is not a whore, never let Jayne take over, and our hosts have a lot...
Dec 13, 2016 | Mighty Fine Shindig
We’re covering episode 7 of Firefly: “Jaynestown!” Topics of conversation: the Tick, Inara never has bad sex, man of faith versus man of reason, Canton is a bad smelly dirty place, hamsters is nice, and the symbol is the thing....
Dec 6, 2016 | Mighty Fine Shindig
This week, we’re all just a little twitterpated with “Our Mrs. Reynolds!” Talking points: Christina Hendricks, Jayne’s rain stick, Christina Hendricks, faster-than-light travel and the theory of relativity, Christina Hendricks, and Zoe is...
Nov 22, 2016 | Mighty Fine Shindig
This week we cover episode five of Firefly: “Safe.” Talking points: Emotional reavers, Zoe is the best, Simon Says (Drink), baby Zefron is always necessary, home is people, Vinton loses his mind. Support us on Patreon!...