FD 78: Claire Willett – Part 2!

FD 78: Claire Willett – Part 2!

The continuation of our conversation with Claire Willett. Liz left us and Daphne and Claire just kept on going. We talk about art, the Black Sails finale, emotional truths, and fandom.
Spoilers for all seasons of Black Sails!

FD77: Claire Willett, Death, and the Sasspants Cutiepie, Part 1 of 2

FD77: Claire Willett, Death, and the Sasspants Cutiepie, Part 1 of 2

We were bound to come back to talking about the ending of Black Sails some day, and we are so happy to do so with our fabulous guest, writer Claire Willett. We talk about good deaths for female characters, our love of Max, the finale, and the Sasspants Cutiepie (guess which character that is)
Spoilers for all seasons of Black Sails!

FD 75: Talking Black Sails with Adam Serwer and Jon Steinberg

FD 75: Talking Black Sails with Adam Serwer and Jon Steinberg

This week of Fathoms Deep, we are joined by Adam Serwer, staff writer for The Atlantic, and Jon Steinberg, Black Sails show runner and wrangler of pirates. We talk politics, history, Treasure Island, and Jon tells us his parrot head canon.
This episode dedicated to Robert Levine and his gentile encouragement.